
Volodkevich Sergey



Abbout Me

I’m truing to becoom a programmer, because from an early age I considered it a cool profession, and it so happened that I still think so. I am inquisitive and assiduous, stress-resistant and not a conflict person. My first job was a school, after that I got a job in the education department for the vacancy “Assistant to the chief system administrator”, after about a year I got a job at a cheese factory, and now I also work at a factory, for the production of flour products only, as a system administrator.



Orsha College of VSU named after P.M. Masherova

_Software Engineer September 2014 - June 2018_

VSU named P.M. Masherova

_Software Engineer September 2018 - February 2022_


Belarusian В2 (Upper intermediate)

Russian С2 (Proficiency)

English B2 (Upper intermediate)